How do I Apply for an OYAP Accelerated Program?
The application process for any of the centrally coordinated 'Accelerated' programs is as follows:
Students, parents, and teachers are invited to attend an information session for any of the 'Accelerated' programs early in the autumn of every school year. Details on information sessions, application due dates, and interview dates are available at your Guidance and Cooperative Education offices.
Together with a Guidance Counsellor or Cooperative Education teacher, complete an OYAP application for the 'Accelerated' program specific to your chosen skilled profession. (go to the specific program page to download application) Submit the completed application package which includes all of the following:
the completed application
a resume and cover letter
a recent copy of a "Credit Counselling Form" which must be obtained from a school's Guidance Counsellor
Three Letters of Reference
Students will be interviewed by a team that includes representatives from the Toronto Catholic District School Board and our partnering training delivery agent (e.g. instructors from a college or other training center).
At the students interview, the student will be assessed on the following:
Personal Presentation
Communication Skills
Attendance and Lates
Students are encouraged to consult with their parent(s), their Guidance Counsellor, or a Cooperative Education teacher during the application process and prior to the interview.